
Awards–What Do They Mean?

Yesterday was a monumental day in the world of romance authors, for some more than others. The Romance Writers of America announced the finalists is its annual RITA (published authors) and Golden Heart (unpublished authors) contests. Alas, my books did not make the cut. But in all honestly, I had...

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Age and Beauty

I'll be fifty later this year. When I say that aloud, it still shocks me. I don't feel a day over thirty-five---until I look in the mirror. Sometimes my heart aches a little when I take stock of my thinning hair, my saggy middle (no, not the one plaguing the first draft of my current manuscript),...

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The Advantages of Uncertainty

When nothing is sure, everything is possible ~ Margaret Drabble I love the positive spin this perspective places on uncertainty, which is a state of being most of us otherwise dread. This reminder seems especially apt at the end of a rough week in the publishing industry (and for several of my...

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Big Love in Utah

No, this isn't a post about the former HBO series, or Mormonism, or polygamy. This is a post about the benefits of extended family vacations. My immediate family takes two per year (one ski trip with my husband's family, and one beach trip with mine). I've just finished zipping up the last...

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Party Time

My favorite childhood memories of Christmas have nothing to do with presents and Santa, and everything to do with the parties. I grew up on the same street with three sets of cousins and one set of grandparents (all on my Italian father's side of the family). My mother's family all lived within...

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Six Ways to Enliven Thanksgiving

It's that time again, my favorite holiday of the year. No gifts, no jingles--just good food, friends, and family all together at a table. Of course, the holiday can be a lot of work (especially for the host), which can rob the day of some of its joy. Here are six ideas to put the fun and "thanks"...

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It's here, it's here! The release of Accidentally Hers is finally here. Time for a festive get-together with cake, and maybe a little champagne, right? Yes, tonight is a time to celebrate, and that's what I plan to do. But I won't be celebrating the release of my latest book. "Why not?" you might...

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Milestones and Measures

Yesterday I turned forty-nine (or seven squared, as my math geek friend noted). Basically, I'm almost at the mid-century mark, and very likely past the halfway point of my life, too. That's a breathtaking thought. I've less time left than I've already burned through. Naturally, it forces me to...

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About Jamie

Jamie's an avid reader and author of romantic women's fiction. She enjoys sharing stories and music about finding love, having love, and losing love. You can learn more about Jamie and her books on her about page.

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This site is all about infusing romance into everyday life. We look forward to sharing the things that inspire us to laugh, cry, love and dream, and ask you to share your inspirations, too!

Please note: You may link to a post or take quotes if credit, including a link back, is given. You may not take entire posts without asking. Permission may be obtained by emailing Jamie.
