Help For The Frugal Or Romantically-Challenged Lover

by | Jun 8, 2013 | Uncategorized

Craving more romance but unable to spend a lot of money on big gestures?  Or maybe you just don’t have that ‘romantic’ gene?  No problem.  There are plenty of cheap romantic ideas you can do often and easily.  And I think we’d all agree little gestures done regularly keep the spark alive better than the very occasional getaway trip or expensive night on the town anyway.

While dating couples and newlyweds seem to naturally shower their partners with affection and positive reinforcement, long-time married couples often fall into the routines of work, childcare, and financial planning for the future, all of which suck romance right out the window.5107924_s

But don’t despair – it’s not impossible to restore spontaneity and passion in your love life if you have both a willing spirit and partner.

To help you get started, I’ve compiled a list of a dozen ideas you can easily incorporate into the upcoming months to remind him/her of why you chose to commit to each other (and would do so again):

  • Present your partner with a gift bag containing a scented massage oil and “coupon” for a massage from you;
  • Send the kids on sleepovers with friends, and then plan a backyard picnic with a big blanket, candles, indulgent foods and beverages, and a starry sky;
  • Rent a favorite movie and snuggle on the sofa under a blanket and yummy snack;
  • Check out local wine stores for free or inexpensive wine-tasting events and go sample new wines together;
  • Listen to an interesting book or lecture on tape together and then discuss it;
  • Relive/recreate your very first date (in my case, Chinese food and the movie The Piano);
  • Hand your spouse/partner a list of your favorite of their qualities in alphabetical order;
  • Fill the tub with hot water and scented bath oils, light some candles, and sink in together to talk…or whatever;
  • Get dressed up and spritz some perfume/cologne, even if you’re just going out for pizza;
  • Is your guy a car enthusiast?  Take him to test drive his favorite dream car;
  • Indulge in some cheap decadence, like feeding each other strawberries and whipped cream; and
  • Create a scavenger hunt (based on a hobby, event/birthday, or just with YOU being the prize).

Do any of those ideas appeal to you?  Hope so (and hope my husband is reading!).  In fact, “share” this post with your guy to drop some hints (you can use the email or other share buttons below).

I’d love to hear your favorite way to spend some quality time with your partner, so leave a reply too!


(photo credit:  imagerymajestic @

About Jamie

Jamie's an avid reader and author of romantic women's fiction. She enjoys sharing stories and music about finding love, having love, and losing love. You can learn more about Jamie and her books on her about page.

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