I was having a terrific Saturday morning. Woke up to glorious sunshine. Enjoyed an al fresco breakfast consisting of a cup of tea, eggs, and fresh berries with my husband on our patio. Started my daughter on a weeding project while I threw in some laundry and worked on critiques for two other writers. Capped it off with a vigorous three-mile walk.
All in all, a great start to the weekend.
Then I read a bulletin about a local family who just lost their two-year-old son in a car accident in their driveway. BAM! Life as they knew it is over…forever. I hate learning of family tragedies, especially when they involve children. My heart and thoughts go out to this family, as I’m sure yours do, too.
But beyond our condolences, this incdent is a reminder that our lives can turn on a dime.
When this kind of event happens, it shakes me up—makes me ask a lot of questions. Am I doing everything I should be doing, for myself and my family? Am I living the life I want to live? What more can I do to invest in the people I love? Have I struck a healthy balance between work and family? Do I spend enough time with friends? At the end of it all, what will my legacy be?
When I thought through this mental inventory just now, I’d estimate I’m batting about eighty percent. That’s not bad, but if something happens tomorrow to drastically alter my world, I will wish I had been closer to one hundred percent. Not much in life is certain, but I know this one thing for sure: only I can create the life I want to live. No one else can do it for me.
Guess I’ve got some work to do.
How about you? Are you running on all cylinders, or have you become complacent?
Photo Credit: http://www.stellatesori.com/time-recovery-breaks-key-life-balance/